Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Vegetation and its importance.

Imagine a world without trees?.. do you ever think of trees often? or you maybe you only think of flowers when you wana see you girlfriend? or for your wedding? or need timber to build yourself a house or create other products for you own benefit?..

It is very important that we recognise how plants become a vital friend for us human esspecially everyday in our daily activities,life styles and to be wisely used and sustained for future generations.

Flora is Vital...

Plants keeps human being alive each day by providing cool comforting breeze of oxygen gas. Without trees there will be less acess of human and animals for fresh air and this will lead to other probems.

Coastal vegetation strongly act as soldiers protecting the land from erosion as it will save more space for settlement. It will minimize the harmful effect of waves and wind on islands as it witnessed in some part of Tonga.

There are plants with cultural importance such as pandanus in Tonga.Pandanus plant is now hardly found in the main island of Tongatapu. They are widely spread in most uninhabit and not crowded islands of Tonga. This plant is important for making a''taovala" which all Tongans are recognised with Taovala on their waist which means of showing respect to others.

Trees also provide habitats for alot of organisms.It is important not to alter these habitats. It is witnessed in Tonga how organisms are affected when an area had been cleared for settlements and farming. Birds that used to live around these trees migrated to other areas, bugs ,earthworms and other organisms died while other organisms find new habitats

Trees have more and more useful roles in the environment and its important that we, youth of today think about how we are treating plants at home, school, town or where ever we are......BE a Friend to Trees!!! ..for You will face all consequences ,so as your future generations!!!